Competitive Dance
Dancesport at The Academy of Social DanceDancesport
Competitive Dancing
There are many reasons why people choose competitive dancing. Competitive dancing a great outlet to perform. It can help your dance progression as it tests what you have learned and gives a goal to strive to the next level. It is great for those who like to push themselves in a competitive environment.
Dancesport and social dancing both should be fun, however, the end goals are vastly different. Just because you are doing social dancing does not mean to not use good technique, but the end goal is to just have a good time with whatever partner you have for that 2-4 minutes, and whatever it takes to make it a good dance for both parties.
With competitive dancesport is there is a higher bar to achieve for. Dancesport, as the name implies, is a sport. As with any sport you have your coach, and teammates. In Dancesport it is very much a team of people working together to create the best possible results for the time you are on the floor. When competing you are representing your coach, your dance partner and studio that you trained in.

At The Academy of Social Dance
We are lucky to have a one on the top trainers and ranked Dancesport competitors in the area, Chuck Danza, overseeing the training. Competitions are a great experience and anyone serious about their dancing should do at least one competition at some point. If you are thinking about doing a competition there are a few things we ask:
- Plan for at least a 10 lessons for each dance you want to compete in
- Know that to get good it takes practice
- Plan for at least 1hr of practice per week for every dance you what to compete in
- You will need to have appropriate dancewear to compete
When looking to compete you are making a comment to yourself, but also to your dance partner, coach, and team as they a committing to you as well. We look forward to discussing your competition ambitions with you.